Menu Planning Monday - 25 Tevet

Review - We tried so many new things this week. The good thing about that is that it means we have tons of success.  The Asian Slaw was super easy and super yummy.  The Butternut Squash soup needs some help still.  The cinnamon apple cake was a ton of work and turned out yucky.

The Lasagna was a tremendous success due to our newest discovery, dairy free Ricotta.   I made a huge 13x9 pan full and our little family of 3 managed to eat the whole thing in about 2 days.  Previously we had foregone lasagna because the grownups being used to the dairy version were not willing to eat the Froggy-safe stuff. This time we did and enjoyed it.

The chocolate moouse cups that formed the basis for our Shabbos dessert were a phenomenal hit.  Froggy and I had as much fun making them as we did eating them.  I used a pudding/whipped cream mixture as the filling and painted parve chocolate on the molds.  Froggy got to fill the cups using my new decorator tool which was easy for her to handle.

Sunday - Fish ala Jenn, Rice, peas
Monday -Pasta with garlic bread and salad
Tuesday - Dinner out
Wednesday - Crockpot Beef Stew with egg noodles and salad
Thursday -Leftover buffet
Friday - Challah, Guacamole,Hummus,Gefilte Fish Loaf, Soup??,Orange Chicken, Smashed potatoes, Broccoli, Blueberry crisp with parve icecream per Abba's request.


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