Happy 4th!!

We went to visit the grandparents for the 4th of July.  We took D and Froggy for the seven hour car drive south.  Along the way we stopped at the Animal Safari.  It was baby season at the animal park and Abba and Froggy were thrilled beyond thrilled.  D. did not seem to even notice the animals much.  Since he is not very talkative it is hard sometimes to know what is going on inside. 

We arrived in time for dinner on the 1st.  This gave Froggy and D some private time with the Grandparents before Cousin M. arrived.  The dodged the ever present rain storms and managed to get a boat ride or swim in every day.  D was ambivalent about the boat but was positively thrilled with every opportunity to splash in Grandpa's lake.  Grandma found a blowup boat that he could sit in and paddle around and allowed him a fair amount of independence. 

On Wednesday afternoon Abba and Grandpa went to pick up Cousin M.  They stopped on the way and got some small fireworks.  After dinner, the guys set up a launching pad on the backyard and we all went out to watch.  Or atleast that was the plan.  D. was interested in the sparklers but went hysterical at the poppers.  Abba ended the show in favor of a boat ride for the rest of the family while I put D to bed.  He had a rough night with all the booms.

We tried introducing D. to the fireworks again on the 4th.  We made the launching pad further away, talke dup the whole process making it sound like tons of fun.  Everyone laughed at the booms and still D wanted no part of it.  That being the case he and I wished everyone else goodbye and went to bed.  The rest of the gang went out on Grandpa's boat to watch the town's fireworks.  Froggy and Cousin M. apparently kept up a running commentary on the show, categorizing and rating each display.


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